Christianity in the Middle East 2, 2020
History of Christianity in the Middle East
Smirnova I.Yu.
The Malabar Affair of 1825–1826: Towards the History of British Politics in India (Confessional Aspect)............4
Shapovalov M.S.
Kaiser Wilhelm's travels to Palestine in 1898 based on Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire............75
Khurtsilava B.V.
"Holy door" of the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (based on Georgian historical materials)...........91
Bulanov S.L.
The concept of apocatastasis in eastern patristics: from Clement of Alexandria to the V Ecumenical Council...........102
Uryasov M.N.
Construction of the Nicholas hospice in Jerusalem in 1903–1904 and French commercial enterprises..........134
Bishop Vladimir (Agibalov V.V.)
Saint Alexy and the rise of the Principality of Moscow in Russian Church History of the First Half of the 19th Century............155
Novotortseva A.M.
Hierodeacon Maxim (Sudakov M.V.)
Martyrius-Sahdona. On the Office, on Prayer, Vigils and Reading................181
Ilyushin P.S.
“Debt unpaid”. In memory of Nikolai Nikolaevich Lisovoy
Safonov D.V., priest
N.N. Lisovoy about the significance of the Battle of Kulikovo..................226