Christianity in the Middle East 4, 2020
The Current Situation of Christianity in the Middle East
Kolymagin B.F.
Dommarсo M.C.
Edmund A. Walsh and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association: birth and development of the papal agency ..............17
History of Christianity in the Middle East
Grouchevoy A.G.
The long-term plans for development of the educational system in Russian schools in the Near East before World War I ..............37
Kail M.V.
How the provincials of Imperial Russia traveled to the Holy Land: a typical pilgrimage in documents Central historical archive of Saint Petersburg ..............57
Bøsterud M.
A Reformed Epistemology for Praxis ..............66
Sudakov M.V.
Menkova I.G.
On the question of canonization of priest Mikhail Kritskiy, priest of the Trinity Church in the village of Avtodeevo, Nizhny Novgorod province ..............111
Berezin M.A.
Periodization of repression of the North Kazakhstan Orthodox priesthood in the pre-war period in the context of church-state relations ..............179
Zubov D.V.
Features of the economy of the monasteries of late Byzantium ..............193